Isle of Wight and the Solent
‘With the Isle of Wight as a natural breakwater, the Solent forms a sheltered sea nearly one hundred square miles in extent…The water is clear as crystal and as blue as the Mediterranean, and on it are found watering places with mirth and music, cities with docks and shipping, men-of-war, ships of peace, and yachts of all rigs and tonnage.’ (Polytechnic Magazine, 22 June 1898)
In 1896, cruises on board the Reindeer, an 80 ton schooner, were arranged for Poly members. In 1901, the PTA purchased the Reindeer for sailing holidays around the Solent. Accommodating 25 people, the Reindeer was
‘most comfortably fitted…The sleeping accommodation is most comfortable for a yacht, and those desirous of taking part in a healthy, enjoyable and economic holiday of this character can do no better than book for this holiday’ (Polytechnic Magazine, 20 May 1901)
Places visited included Cowes, Totland Bay, The Needles and Hayling Island. Excursions on shore were made each day and the Reindeer was anchored in calm waters each night. In 1901, a week’s trip cost £2 10s. (approx. £200 today) for Poly members.
By the 1920’s, hotel based holidays were also advertised in Ventor and Shanklin.