Archive items are rare, unique and sometimes fragile. They cannot be loaned and must not be taken out of the Archive Reading Room. In order to ensure their preservation, we ask that bags and coats are placed in the lockers and that only pencils, laptops and digital cameras are used in the Reading Room. No food or drink may be brought into the Reading Room.
If you wish to take photographs of archive material we will ask you to sign a copyright declaration form, alternatively we can scan/photograph items for you and email you the images.
We are also regularly adding to a series of Research Guides which give you a brief history of popular topics in the University’s history and the resources that are available on this topic in the Archive. These can be found on our catalogue.
We are happy to provide University of Westminster staff and students with guidance and advice about researching in archives elsewhere, including information on which collections are open for research, and online resources. Please email us for advice or to arrange an online enquiry appointment.