My job consists of answering enquiries from academics, independent researchers, and staff members. The most common enquiries are verifications, which is verifying former students qualifications. I consult our records, such as, pass lists and presentation ceremony programmes to confirm what grade a student was awarded. Other common enquiries are genealogy queries, from relatives of former students or staff members. My go-to resource for confirming former student or staff records is the Polytechnic Magazine, issues from 1870 to 1960 have been digitised and are accessible online:
Since January, I have welcomed over a dozen researchers, including internal staff and students as well as, external researchers. It has provided me with an opportunity to familiarise myself with the University collections, such as, the Polytechnic Harriers Athletics Club, Max Lock Archive, and the China Visual Arts Project Archive. I have also found out what collections are used most frequently and what research is taking places across academic departments.