In time, gifts for children were added to the parcels. In 1912, when 4,700 families (30,000 individuals) were fed, the Poly also provided thousands of toys, garments, scrap books and packets of sweets.
The largest amount of food distributed was 42 tons in 1937 when £3,050 was raised (c.£155,000 today). That same year over 5,300 families were fed.
The Christmas Dinner Fund continued every year, even during the First World War. In 1940, it merged with the Poly War Comforts Fund providing parcels to men on active service. Between 1888-1940, the Fund fed over 1 million individuals and raised over £73,259 (nearly £4 million today).
The University is still involved in similar work today. In 2019, a food bank appeal was organised and funds raised from the University’s carol service went towards a Community Toy Appeal.
December 2020